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Ancestral dances

Afro dance

With DANZA AFRO and awareness exercises, the Ancestral dances open up a portal to feel re-united with nature, with ourselves and with humanity.

This workshop draws the cultural route of the African population, forced to immigrate to America for work as slaves. The quilombos and palenques were communities of fugitive slaves, breaking slavery and getting free. Our goal is the same ... Find our freedom !!!


Help your body to regain balance between you and nature...

Enter healing meditation! 

In order to enter in this African meditation, we rely a lot on Yoruba culture. That culture, originally from Nigeria and Benin and very present in the Americas, has great wisdom! Through music, songs and dances, each person can be connected with very concrete elements of nature. These elements are represented in divinities called Orixas. Each Orisha has a well-defined character ... One warrior, another, a mermaid of love... 

You need to work your femininity, connect with Oxum: goddess of rivers, femininity, fertility, beauty and wealth...

You want to find your goals to be happy, dances for Oxossi: huntress deity, with very good aim, represents abundance and have clear objectives.

You feel tired and without strength, sing to Ogum: warrior god, it represents strength and metals.

We offer many others possibilities...


This method is not limited to a culture ... It is much inspiration from several African cultures, such as Madinga culture,  with dances for healing masks; and Latin American.

It also uses postural correction exercise, bio-energy to achieve deeper listening to oneself.

Afro Dances
Rhythms and Chants
Awareness exercises
Dance teacher

Dandara, is Belgian and dancer since childhood. Formed in dance at the Federal University of Bahia. Theater study at the Kleine Academie in Brussels. Since 2002, professionally engaged in African dance and music.  Develops his own style by capoeira, Manding and Yourubas, body percussion, traditional instruments, etc. She taught and worked with several companies in Europe, Latin America and Africa. (Among the highlights “Fura del Baus” and the “Ballet National du Bénin”)


Lascas Div is musicologist and music teacher for more than 10 years. He specialized in Mandinga percussion, Afro-Brazilian, Afro-Cuban, Portuguese and body percussion.

He has work with many reference musicians in Portugal.

Currently, it is dedicated to accompany intensive dance and music therapy.

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